Change: No DisplayFusion configuration changes require a UAC prompt anymore, it's all silently applied (Windows Logon screen, content menus, Windows 8 tweaks.Change: DisplayFusion can now manage your audio playback and recording devices (bind to monitor profiles, use hotkeys or the tray icon).Change: New Windows 8 Tweak: Option to control Lock Screen monitor timeout.Change: New Windows 8 Tweak: Option to disable the Lock Screen image.Change: New Function: "Minimize Window to System Tray" (Ctrl+Win+T by default).Change: New Wallpaper Mode: Load From URL (loads an image from a URL once or on a timer - great for webcam images).Change: Wallpaper images can now be spanned across groups of monitors using the new "Combine with Monitor" wallpaper feature.Change: New Feature: Alt+Tab Handler with 4 different modes.